Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Little Folks for Little People

Just a quick post today...thought I'd better get my skates on with making my nephew his first birthday present. So far I've picked the fabric! I don't think he's yet mastered the art of surfing the internet, so I think it’s safe to show you. I wanted something that wouldn't look out of place in a boy’s bedroom in years to come. What do you think?

I can't reveal what I'm going to do with it just yet, as it'd be a nice surprise for my sister and her hubby.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Bags, Balls and Biscuits

Sorry for the lack of posts recently…my lovely other half has cheekily reclaimed his camera so I haven’t been able to snap any of the bits I’ve been working on…so that’ll have to wait (until I can sneak the camera back again!- sshh don’t tell him!) So instead, here are a few pictures of pressies I made and received at Christmas.

A knitting bag for my mum - now she has no excuse for leaving her balls of wool rolling around the living room floor!

These little houses are actually coasters! They're from Zakka Sewing -
  your cup goes on the window and the door is where the biscuit(s) are stashed!

This scarf was for my lovely other half, Karl. I used Pampas Chunky wool and by knitting one row and purling the next it curled in at the edges, which made a lovely tube scarf! I think it's lovely!!

I made everyone a stocking this year - these were pretty easy to make, so I made myself one too!

Just before Christmas Karl treated himself to a new pair of boots - last of the big spenders! And so I felt his precious new boots needed a special boot bag in which to live...voila!!

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Happy New Year

2010 has arrived…a brand new year, a brand new decade. And with it comes hope and a sense of anticipation. As is typical for the time of year, I’ve been reflecting on the year gone by, and sit in wonder at where the time has gone. It seems as though as I get older, a year travels by faster and faster… Much has happened over the last 12 months and so I thought I’d share a few snippets with you;

- I went to France for the first time in my life and finally put my secondary school French lessons to good use (Oui!)
- I became an Auntie twice over!
- I laughed a lot
- I went to a friends wedding
- I went to too many funerals
- I became a Godmother
- I learnt how to crochet Granny squares (thanks Mum!)
- I moved house twice
- Luca was christened
- I made my first piece of clothing…pj bottoms for my Dad!
- I spent a lot of time with family and friends
- I went to a few gigs and my first festival – Truck! (and fell in love with Pete Molinari)
- I crafted as much as I could
May the next year be busy, fun, and full of love and laughter!

Happy New Year!

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Crafty Christmas...Part 2

You may remember that this year Christmas in my household had gone handmade! I would definitely recommend it…gifts were much more meaningful and clearly made with love and a great big handful of patience! Over the next week or so I’ll show some of the gifts I gave and received, including a pair of giant knitting needles, garden kneelers and magic cushions! For now, I’ll leave you with a picture of my nephew in his new woodland elf hat…perfect for foraging in the woods!!

Snow Time

Wow, well I wasn't planning on being away for so long! I obviously had more family members and friends to catch up with than I thought! As many of you I'm sure, the last couple of weeks have been frightfully busy, lots of dinners with friends, plenty of laughter, lots of gift giving and receiving and without doubt food and drink aplenty!

In the few days leading up until Christmas, we had lots of lovely snow. Now this many not sound particularly important to you, but I just LOVE snow and here in the UK it’s been a bit of a stranger of late. So any flurry of snow, no matter how small, brings a beam of delight to my face! And so, I thought I’d share a few pictures of this glorious, chilly, magical weather…

Frozen stones!

Snowy grass...