I love autumn.
It's perhaps my most favourite time of year. I love the mix of autumnal colours everywhere you look and I particularly love the feeling of wanting to snuggle up under a blanket with a hot cup of tea!
It is usually this change in season that sparks a change in craft project too. I tend to move away from sewing and embroidery, in favour of reaching for lovely, warm balls of wool, knitting needles and crochet hooks.
I'm notorious for having multiple projects on the go (usually because I run out of time before I finish, and then have a sudden stroke of inspiration to do something else!) but this autumn I’m determined to set myself a crochet challenge of two!!
The projects I've attempted in the past have consisted of scarves (and other square or rectangular items!) nothing particularly tricky. But not this time!! My crochet challenge is to…
1. Crochet an entire blanket!
2. Crochet a super cute animal from Amigurumi World: Seriously Cute Crochet for my seriously cute nephew, Luca!
Electric Rainbow Blanket
The first challenge will be helped by Carina as I’ve ordered the wool and pattern for the beautiful blanket above. However, thanks to the postal strike I may need to wait a little longer to get started. I’m very excited about starting this project as I only learnt to crochet about 8 months ago and so I’m still painfully slow…checking and rechecking every stitch to make sure I get it right. This will be a real incentive to keep at it.
Has anyone else set themselves a crafty challenge this autumn?